Source — (Pixabay)

Wolf Water

Teachings of my soul-mate

Grab a Slice
Published in
11 min readMar 30, 2020


My two greatest teachers in this life were soul-mates I have lived with in other lives. One is my daughter and the other is a wolf-dog. I have written before about my wolf-dog soul-mate Shawnee (here) but that story barely scratched the surface. I could write about her for months. There is so much that she taught me.

Before I continue I should point out that is not her in the above photo. The wolf in the above photo is a European wolf at the Berlin Zoo. I like the photo because it reminds of the many times I watched Shawnee drinking from a river or lake. Shawnee taught me a lot about water.

Before sharing some of the things she taught me during the sixteen and a half years we were together in this life I want to go back to a life in which we were together back in the 1600s. I was a restless, selfish, no-account, son of a bitch white man living in Virginia. I craved adventure and exploration and the search for exotic foreign riches.

Virginia was boring and there were way too many people living there at the time. So I got on my horse and headed west. I decided to explore that mysterious land on the other side of the Appalachian Mountains. Not many white men had gone there yet. It was essentially Indian country.

