GrabAMeal — Airbnb for Restaurant Industry

Published in
3 min readMay 6, 2018
Airbnb for Restaurant Industry —

AirBNB has modified the home renting concept worldwide. Similarly GrabAmeal is supposed to modify the food arrangement problem worldwide. It is an advanced meal sharing platform empowered by blockchain, where cooking experts can cook extra meals for their clients against order.

What is GrabAmeal?

Like AirBNB, GrabAMeal platform is a business marketplace, where food sellers can open home restaurants and food buyers can order food online according to availability of homemade fresh foods after selecting a GrabAmeal cook from a specific territory.

Concept wise GrabAmeal is the Airbnb of food where blockchain integration is an added advantage of its users.

How it works

GrabAMeal platform works with 4 kinds of collaborators. They are food sellers, food buyers, independent auditors, and suppliers. All transactions on GrabAmeal will be done by using GAM token and each user has to maintain a GAM wallet with a minimum GAM token balance.

GrabAMeal will be the first peer to peer dining system with blockchain integration, where transparency, food safety, economy, and complete customer support will facilitate peer to peer dinning, i.e. the food selling and food buying tasks a mutually rewarding one.

What are the benefits for using home based restaurant?

GrabAmeal, the decentralized meals economy is beneficial for both for sellers and buyers. Buyers will get the facility of having homemade fresh meal, while for food sellers it can unleash a great opportunity to start their home based business. Anybody can be buyers; however, the meal sharing business is mostly apt for homemakers, chefs, and cooking enthusiasts. All users have to enroll their profiles on the platform and users can rate and review buyers and sellers, performance-wise.

The enlistment and review, feedback data will be entered into blockchain based public ledger, which is accessible for all users of the network. Buyers while ordering food can select food seller of his area along with the option of preferred foods and the rating of the seller.

Similarly, sellers can check the buyer’s history before accepting an order.

As all data will be saved in Blockchain, none of them are amendable without the knowledge of portal admin.

This is the feature that will offer transparency, reliance, and quality assurance for its users.

If AirBNB is the solution for healthy home at reasonable cost, GrabAmeal is the global solution for getting yummy and tasty homemade foods wherever you are located globally.

All transactions will be done by using GAM token.

Wanted to know more about GrabAmeal, the decentralized meals economy?

Read Our White Paper and One Pager

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GrabAMeal — Decentralized Restaurants from Home on Blockchain