GrabaMeal: the decentralized meal sharing economy to implement trust and transparency in operation

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4 min readApr 27, 2018

Introducing personal properties for commercial uses as sharing and renting basis in now a popular trend in business: Uber and AirBNB are the two successful business modules working successfully worldwide.

Like room sharing and ride sharing, meal sharing as a business model has great potential to explore, which is executed by the GrabAMeal platform, which is a meal sharing platform, enabled by P2P networking, empowered by blockchain, ensuring trust and transparency in its business transactions.

How GrabAMeal works?

GrabAMeal intends to launch a global platform for integrating healthy food seekers (buyers) with people, willing to serve preferred freshly prepared and tasty meal on demand (sellers). The core idea is to find the type of food one wants to consume from the options available within a specified area. The listed sellers can receive the order, prepare the food, and deliver it delivery on time at a prefixed place. The modes of delivery is expected to evolve over time, but initially, it has planned as “Take away” or “Dining in” although the provision of “Home Delivery” option has kept open if the seller can provide the facility to the buyers.

To make this peer-to-peer operation smooth sailing and bringing in transparency and trust amongst its participants, GrabaMeal relies on three protocols, i.e., identification, reward, and dispute resolution.

GrabaMeal Identification protocol:

The GrabaMeal Identification protocol is used to enlist buyers and sellers on the platform.

Both and sellers have to provide some information relevant to GrabAmeal functioning. Initial rating will be done by analyzing this first hand information.

An advanced algorithm will be applied against multiple profiles and onboard users with the initial rating.

These ratings will create certain leverages to buyers and sellers at later stages.

Ratings will be based on facilities provides, seller’s business efficiency, and customers’ review.

The individual user rating for a transaction determines the overall rating of the buyer or seller in combination with ratings of other users.

Buyer will get the chance to rate seller on the basis of food quality, quantity, presentation and ROI.

GrabaMeal Identification protocol

GrabaMeal Reward protocol: The GAM-Reward protocol combines multiple factors and allocated reward points to user accounts to maximize value of trusted participation. GrabaMeal Reward algorithm combines the composite user rating with the allocation budget and distributes reward points to user account.

GrabaMeal Reward combines three elements to determine reward points:

Composite user rating from GrabaMeal Identification Protocol

Review and Rating given for current transaction

Token allocation budget and logic for distribution

GrabaMeal Reward protocol

GrabaMeal Dispute resolution protocol: It is very important for any business to think about and keep mechanism of dispute resolution process in place beforehand. Any dispute raised amongst stakeholders if blown out of proportion can irreversibly damage reputation of any business and harm its brand image.

Keeping these consequences in mind GrabaMeal has developed a full-proof dispute resolution protocol. If there are disputes between buyers and sellers, the GrabaMeal Dispute protocol is designed to manage conflicts in an amicable, unbiased, and democratic approach.

This protocol allocates minor and major disputes to groups of buyers and sellers and resolves through a voting process. Major Disputes that may require investigation and arbitration involves independent arbitrators or auditors’ involvement.

The participants of the network can be involved by means of voting to resolve the dispute.

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GrabAMeal — Decentralized Restaurants from Home on Blockchain