GrabAmeal: why it is advantageous to be a host here

Published in
3 min readJun 11, 2018

GrabAMeal (GAM) is a blockchain integrated food marketplace where food sellers are called host and food buyers are categorized as guests.

Hosts are responsible for serving foods for the buyers against their online order of fresh homemade foods, which is the meal sharing process. In short, GrabAMeal offers a grand business opportunity for hosts, who have interest in setting a home based restaurant or offering their culinary skill for supplying order for food enthusiasts using GAM for finding quality foods.

Scope of earning

By being a host on GAM platform a culinary specialist can open his excellent home based restaurant business. Buyers can order online and hosts need to prepare meals for serving accordingly. This is a unique decentralized way to earn money using an existing skill. Payment is completely secured because GAM will take the responsibility of processing of payment.

If there is any clash between food buyers and the hosts, GAM dispute resolution center will resolve it for restoring normalcy.

You can ensure complete control on your businesses

By Joining GM, hosts can be rest assured that they will get to control their food and meal sharing business. A host in GAM can decide his/her cuisine type; they can decide their venue, timing, as well as they can offer their guests a special menu according to a special event or for sharing a unique local culinary delight.

Initiate a green step for changing the world

The whole meal sharing show on GrabAmeal is reliable and it works for introducing blockchain transparency in the meal sharing marketplace and unique scope of social integration. The scope of dispute resolution is a way for the hosts to tackle and understand the probable complexities as well as in understanding the industry as a whole.

Hosts can upgrade their profile

Besides providing review and rating for buyers, post meal sharing and transaction, hosts can get reviews from buyers too. Better business rating will help a cook to upgrade his enlisting status on GAM. This is a competitive way to grow up.

Hosts can earn money in dispute solution

Other than getting paid for meal sharing, the hosts can join the admin to be the dispute solution provider. By casting vote, they can earn GAM tokens in their GAM wallet too.

GrabAmeal offers a host to grow on a transparent business platform. However, at the same time, the business opportunity offers the opening of sharing and nourishing the passion of cooking for a host.

To know more about GAM meal sharing business opportunity you may browse at:

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GrabAMeal — Decentralized Restaurants from Home on Blockchain