GrabAMeal: share your passion for food with guests from around the world ​

Published in
3 min readMay 19, 2018

GrabAmeal, the peer to peer meal sharing platform is meant for starting home based restaurants where food buyers will get to buy quality and freshly prepared homemade foods from expert cooks, homemaker, or professional chefs. At one go if this meal sharing platform serves the purpose of finding quality foods at cost efficient price, it will work as an interactive blockchain empowered platform for staring a home-based business based on passion for serving tasty healthy foods for your guests.

Why food sharing: culinary passion

Culinary skill is something special that brings satisfaction for the food buyers. Those who love to cook and experiment with different types of food preparation; they take great pleasure also in serving the foods for food aficionados. Sharing meal for passion is exciting no doubt, but if sharing the food passion with guests from all around the world generates prestigious earning scope, it is a double benefit for a food enthusiast. GrabAMeal platform offers the immaculate opportunity to start a home based food serving business, which is a wonderful pass time as well as it can earn money for you as your added income.

Why food sharing has become important

Staying away from home has become a common lifestyle, be it for education, service, or simply for personal discretion. Spicy hotel foods cannot be taken at regular course and people in an average is now food conscious. While being away from home, if someone wants to have regular food just like home cooked meal, it is a great support for enjoying healthy life style and healthy food habit. Homemade fresh cooked food is best available from home restaurant, which is best available on GrabAmeal symbiotic food market. Food sharing has become important because of its 2-way benefit, and as an opportunity provider platform, GrabAmeal is accumulating great popularity worldwide.

How guests will find the food on GrabAmeal

Food specialists will have great networking opportunity on GrabAmeal. The virtual marketplace works on simple process:

**Buyers have to register their profile, territory, and KYC details

**Cooks will have to provide the details of his/her food menu and dining venue

**Buyers, after the registration, can browse the site and can order quality foods from his nearest locality.

**Once the buyer is satisfied with foods and other food serving factors, he can review and rate the seller, which helps the startup to grow more professionally.

This is all about food sharing on GrabAmeal platform. Besides making a home restaurant, this is an immaculate way to earn money by doing small and friendly networking on the stand.

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GrabAMeal — Decentralized Restaurants from Home on Blockchain