The benefits of using GrabAmeal platform

Published in
3 min readApr 28, 2018

GrabAmeal platform is a peer-to-peer online meal sharing platform empowered by blockchain.

The platform is a market place where anybody can be food buyer as well as meal seller provided they are enlisted duly on this commercial podium. If you are in food preparing business or you are interested to explore the business opportunity, you need to be a GrabAmeal enlisted user: but before that you should know the benefits of using the GrabAmeal platform.

Blockchain integration ensures trust

GrabAmeal is empowered by blockchain; data once entered in the blocks cannot be altered. Hence both buyers and sellers can build complete trust and provenance on transaction, food prepared and supplied, as well as on reviewing the service.

All the transactions on this marketplace will be done by using GAM token, in a decentralized, (P2P manner) peer-to-peer network.

2-way profitable for users

This is a rewarding meal sharing cum business platform. Buyers will get to enjoy healthy and quality homemade meals at reasonable price regardless their geo-location because buyers can select from registered lists of cooks/food sellers area wise. Before selection, the buyer can check the seller rating to be confirmed about service quality.

Alternatively, the sellers can get to share their meal from their home restaurants according to received booking online, as well as can rate the buyers. In both the ways GrabAmeal blockchain ensures safety, trust, and complete transparency of cooked food and the food cook as well as food consumers.

Business runs on simple approaches

GrabAmeal runs on three protocols: these are Identification protocol, reward protocol, and dispute resolution. The entire business module runs on these three protocols, which is simple to understand and execute.

Because of blockchain integration there is no risk of data adulteration.

It’s cost efficient to use the GrabAmeal platform because the platform charges nominal transaction fee from the buyers and sellers.

The feedback and review mechanism is a transparent way to grow business or sellers. For buyers it is a clean and healthy way to get quality food.

Reward system

The platform rewards the actual stakeholders (sellers and buyers) in value of the GrabAMeal platform by means of reward tokens for expansion, participation, and promotions. As the platform grows in business volume and transaction volume of the GAM token, the members of the GrabAMeal platforms will get to earn incremental benefits through carefully designed reward mechanisms.

Quality control mechanisms

Dispute resolution and quality control mechanism is one of the attractive features of this platform, beneficial for users and associates. If any of the GrabAMeal members face unwanted conflict in their buyer-seller coordination, a mechanism will help them to resolve the dispute by involving other sellers and buyers as well as independent food experts (auditors).

All participants will have a pre-defined role and they will have the power to vote in dispute resolution incidents against GAM token rewards.

These are the immediate benefits of using GrabAmeal platform: this blockchain empowered food sharing marketplace can help you in earning some more ways. Read the business white paper to explore more earning opportunities offers by GrabAmeal from : White Paper and One Pager

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GrabAMeal — Decentralized Restaurants from Home on Blockchain