Bitcoin Address Validation(feat.PHP)

Published in
2 min readNov 8, 2019

Good day, GBT communities.

Long time no see, the developer at GBT Protocol.

Our mobile crypto wallet is just released, have you ever use Planet Wallet?

If you do not download or know about Planet Wallet, please google Planet Wallet on Playstore or Appstore and download it!

Then I will introduce the source which is used to register bitcoin address on our server’s administrator page briefly.

출처 [Mastering Bitcoin]

In Blockchain network, the structure is to generate the public key through private key, and to generate wallet addresses through the public keys.

However, the private keys and public keys are not trackable by wallet addresses.

Therefore, I am going to check whether the address is really made with this structure.

The front of Bitcoin address starts with 1,3(Mainnet)/ m,n(testnet) and a bitcoin address is an identifier of 26–35 alphanumeric characters, beginning with the number 1,3(mainnet), or m,n(testnet).

1. Check whether the address is beginning with 1,3,m,n.

2. Start decoding with base58.

3. Cut the decoded variables til 21st digits, and then encrypt with the function sha256.

4. Encrypt again with the function sha256.

5. Compare 4 digits from 21st digits of the final decoded variable and d2 variable.

If the comparison is true, then the result will be 0, if not, the result will not be zero.

So, today we study together about the method of Bitcoin address validation.

Always thankful for our community’s support.

If you are interested in Planet Wallet, please refer to the link below.

홈페이지 :

#GBT_Protocol #GBT #planetwallet #makeyourownplanet #지비티프로토콜 #지비티 #플래닛월렛 #비트코인 #비트코인주소 #비트코인주소검증법 #PHP #블록체인 #블록체인공부 #블록체인기술 #blockchain

