[Blockchain Technology] Walmart &IBM, Blockchain technology in the real world

Published in
3 min readAug 14, 2019

Hello, everyone.

Have you ever seen the application of blockchain technology in the real world?

If you are really interested in blockchain, you might find some cases.

But if not, people might have recognition like

Blockchain = Cryptocurrency.

Currently, so many blockchain projects all over the world emerge and disappear at the same time.

Still, it is hard to find services that are using blockchain technology.

I believe it will take more time to be utilized more widely.

Of course, the speed of spreading will be fast, when it starts.

Then, how about other countries’ situations of blockchain technology?

I will take one example to see how it will be used in the future.

In 2006, colon bacillus was founded at uncooked spinach in 26 states in America.

Of course, people who ate this spinach got food poison.

About 200 people got food coma and even some of them died from that.

FDA started to track the spinach which caused the accident.

If there was the right record of the supply chain, then it would not take so much time to find out.

However, there was no record regarding that, it took 2 weeks of time.

During two weeks of investigation, all products held for sale.

Even though they found the causes of the problem and the problematic spinach, it triggered tremendous loss.

Since the retailer could not sell all products which ingredient is including spinach.

On the consumer’s side, they hesitate to purchase spinach because of fear.

Walmart has been working with IBM on a food safety blockchain solution to fix that kind of problem.

From the farm to the table, every process is recorded.

Consumers could check this information before they make a decision to buy the product.

Tracking with a clear set of data could filter more efficiently problematic products, so it could reduce unnecessary recalls as well.

Naturally, the data which are registered by blockchain technology boasts high reliability.

Walmart applied this technology generally on the specific food which has a potential risk of fatal diseases like colon bacillus.

FDA also visited Walmart to solve those problems.

Frank Yiannas from the Food Safety department was hired as deputy director at Veterinary Medicines Directorate.

With the expectation of the application of this technology within overall America food factories.

It will take some time to transfer this technology on the national scale but the government is promoting well,

So we believe everyone will consume without hustling and fear of those risks.

Moreover, Walmart has applied for a cryptocurrency patent that bears some similarities to the Libra token proposed by Facebook in mid-June.

Walmart touts the concept of a digital currency “tied to a regular currency”

Over and above that, the filing suggests that the proposed coin could help provide finance for those with limited access to banking services

In this case, the blockchain technology is soaking in our real-world slowly and widely.

If the reality is like that, isn’t it better to know what is the hot stone rather than being misused?

I will search for better cases and topics that will be helpful for ur better life with blockchain technology.

Thank you so much!

