GBT Protocol went Block Battle Meet-up at Seoul

Published in
3 min readJul 30, 2019

Hello. Everyone. I deeply appreciate about your visit here today first.

Today the post is going to be about Block battle season 2 meet-up.

On 26th of July, the meet up was successfully held at Block Monster Lab lounge.

The summary of the event is as below.

At the event, Not only Block battle season2 competitors but also, so many

other experts from blockchain industry, like popular youtubers, lawyers, and

the president of Korean Blockchain association. Deservedly, Archon, EVZ,

Juchating, Pantheon X, and Somesing who were in Top 10 of Blockchain

Battle season 2 also participated the event.

GBT Protocol CEO Jang won Yim was involved in the event as one of Judges.

At this event, he gave Tuneup to those teams.

Sprit Jonber and MOA also joined Tuneup with Jang won Yim and share their

opinions and recent states of them.

The time for introduction of Sponsor was followed.

It was time to know about T.OS Pay.

Thank you T.OS Pay for sponsoring!

As Finale of the event, there was time for Popularity award.

The winner was Juchating!

The design of the trophy was designed by Somesing who is the winner of the competition!


After the event, participants were socializing to know each others project more deeply and share their business ideas.

GBT Protocol team also participated to study Korean Blockchain world and network with people.

Block Battle seaon2 Meet-up by Block Monster Lab was successfully ended.

We wish our best for every success of all teams at Blockchain Battle!

Thank u for reading!

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