Official Announcement: GBT Token Swap

Published in
2 min readFeb 3, 2021

Official Announcement: GBT Token Swap

Dear GBT token holders,

The Grabity sincerely appreciates our dearest GBT token holders for being patient and accompanying with the Grabity’s roadmap & milestones. In order to achieve new milestones according to an upgraded version of the Grabity White Paper, we are very glad to announce that a total amount of GBT tokens will be 100 times reduced and there will be a token swap for existing GBT token holders.

This decision has been made by the Grabity to prepare an improved Grabity’s ecosystem and re-establish the token economics of GBT tokens based on the Planet Wallet and new DeFi functions. Please feel free to ask any questions regarding the token swap and whitepaper update. A new version of the Grabity White Paper will be announced soon via our website.

Due to the GBT token swap, current tradings at Bitsonic will be suspended from 2021 Feb 10th UTC 12AM to 2021 Feb 10th UTC 6AM. A token snapshot will be taken on 2021 Feb 10th UTC 12AM.

Token Swap Information:

  • Token trading suspended: From 2021 Feb 8th UTC 12PM to 2021 Feb 10th UTC 6AM
  • Token Snapshot: 2021 Feb 10th UTC 12AM
  • Token Type: ERC-20
  • Changes: A total amount of GBT tokens will be 100 times reduced
  • Token Swap Ratio: 100 GBT = 1 GBT (new)


  • Token swap will be operated on the Bitsonic Exchange. Please find this for details.
  • This token swap on the Bitsonic Exchnage will only support more than 10,000 GBTs holders (If you have less than 10,000 GBT, you are not available to swap GBT tokens on the Bitsonic Exchange).
  • Toke swap for GBT holders with less than 10,000 GBTs will be operated later on via the GBT Foundation. Please be patient for the official announcement via our website.
  • New token trading will be renewed after 2021 Feb 10th 6AM on the Bitsonic Exchange.
  • Token holders have to transfer their GBTs to the Bistonic GBT wallet until 2021 Feb 10th 12AM to participate in this token swap (Transactions on Ethereum will be suspended from 2021 Feb 10th 12AM to 6AM).

