Celery Juice Benefits

Without the Juicer!

Grace Garcia
Mom Life Works!
3 min readJul 9, 2019


Just Celery

Now you can experience ALL the benefits of juicing celery without the hassle of juicing!

I love the idea of juicing, but my masticating juicer just sits on the counter. I can’t always find quality, organic produce and it takes quite a bit to make a full 8–16oz of fresh juice…daily.

I’m so excited to try Just Celery because it’s seriously the closest I’m gonna get to drinking daily Celery Juice!

Some benefits include:

  • Improves Immune Health
  • Improves Digestive Health
  • Reduces Inflammation
  • Excellent Nutrition
  • Improves Hydration

Now I’m sure you’re wondering…is this powdered stuff just as good for you as fresh celery juice? Yes!! In fact, it’s actually better than juicing celery!!!

Usually, organic celery is harvested (a bit early), then transported to your local market and then sits on a shelf waiting for you to buy it, then it goes in your fridge till you juice it, right? Then all the fiber is removed and you’re left with a nutrient dense green drink (and a mess in the kitchen)!

Well this organic celery powder is made from celery that is harvested at the peak of ripeness, then cold-pressed, preserving the enzymes, nutrients AND fiber! Everything you get from juicing celery and more for less cost, mess, time and hassle!

Here’s some more detailed info about it.

And here’s my personal 15-day Review!

📲Pre-order starts now and we’ll be doing Just Celery Challenge together soon! 🙌 Get yours now and do it with me!

*Expect that this will sell out fast! All pre-orders will ship by the end of July!* Now In Stock

Read more…3 Easy Steps to Juicing Celery Daily

