The celebration of art

Claire Grace Watson
Grace Unlimited
Published in
2 min readDec 2, 2017

Marking the milestones

The first print run of Fingerprints of Grace was four hundred copies: there are now less than fifty available. As an officer in The Salvation Army, I do not receive royalties for any creative work. I was aware of this when I signed my covenant, and I am content to simply create. However, I still believe it is important to celebrate milestones in our creative life, whether or not we receive financial rewards for our work.

To celebrate the sales from the first print run, I decided to spend the the amount of money I may have received in royalties. I replaced my four year old, shattered ipad mini with a brand new ipad. The four hundred dollar ipad (on special) was symbolic of the four hundred books that have been (or will be) sold.

The old ipad served me well: it was a convenient way to keep in touch with others when Hannah was a toddler, and it was a useful companion on car trips. The new one is more than a replacement: it is a celebration. A celebration of God’s love and strength: He empowered me to write the book. A celebration of those who have read it: their feedback has encouraged me to keep writing. A celebration of perseverance: it is easy to start a work and difficult to see it through to the end.

When was the last time you paused to celebrate a milestone in your creative work? Whether it is a finished story, a completed painting or a landscaped garden, it’s good to celebrate before moving on to the next project. It doesn’t have to be expensive: a celebration can be anything in which you find meaning and enjoyment. Treat yourself to your favourite meal, an outing to a favourite place or the purchase of an item you’ve been planning to buy. Take time to celebrate, and discover renewed energy for the next stage of your journey.



Claire Grace Watson
Grace Unlimited

Author and Salvation Army Officer. God, the hero of all my stories.