Sunrise From My SF Office/Home Window

Gracious Gratitude: Day #105

Cathy Brooks
Gracious Gratitude


Today while taking Truman to Craig Road Animal Hospital for an acupuncture appointment in my work car I found myself stuck behind a car that was waiting to turn into a driveway. They were unable to make the turn because an exiting truck had opted to drive down the middle of the driveway, obstructing the entrance lane. As I sat in frustration, wanting to honk and tell this guy to hurry up (despite the fact that he couldn’t go anywhere), I noticed along the driver side of my car, that someone was in the process of making a right hand turn … into my car.

So I honked my horn. Loudly.

The fellow in the car in front of me figured I was honking at him, and let’s just say his response was Vesuvian in nature. His window came down and I was granted the single finger salute accompanied by a cascade of profanity.

The lane to my left cleared, I pulled around him and went on my way.

About five minutes later my phone rang. It was a number I didn’t recognize. I didn’t answer. When the voice mail registered, I read it (my voice mail goes to text). I’ll refrain from repeating it verbatim, but suffice to say it was the fellow who’d thought I was honking at him, repeating his profanity.

I called him back.

When he heard where I was from he began ranting about “that fucking bitch” who was driving the car. That he “wanted to talk with that fucking asshole”.

I let him talk for a moment and then in a quiet and calm tone said:

“Actually sir, the person driving the car was me. And as I’m pretty sure you were unable to see the situation from your vantage point, let me explain. to There was a car to my left that was about to turn into my driver door. I was honking at them. I am terribly sorry if you thought that it was directed at you.”

There was a quiet pause on the other end of the phone. Then a deep breath.

“Wow,” he said. “So I’m having a really shitty day and I just completely took it out on you. I accept your apology though you don’t really owe me one. You didn’t do anything wrong. I, on the other hand, was an asshole. I’m sorry for that.”

After a pause of my own I replied:

“You know what, that’s totally okay. The truth is that there has been more than one occasion when I have been a total asshole behind the wheel, because I was having a bad day. We all do that — well, at least most of us do — so for what it’s worth, I accept your apology and more importantly I really hope that you have a better day and that you have a nice holiday season.”

With that … today’s #GraciousGratitude offering for Day #105

  • That in a moment of stress I was able to pause, breathe and offer someone the hand of kindness
  • Watching my dogs welcome their cousin Simon into the house and especially how little Harlow has taken to him
  • My dear pal Abbie Friedman for her incredibly generous invitation to join her at today’s hockey game — even though the #GoldenKnights lost :-(
  • Having a chance to spend some real quality time with my big sister
  • Getting to see my wonderful brother-in-law — albeit WAY too short a visit
  • Being faced with some monumental professional challenges and feeling inspired and motivated rather than paralyzed by fear
  • How a cool drink of water tastes when I’m really thirsty
  • Thinking about where I was five years ago at this time and how my life has evolved since then



Cathy Brooks
Gracious Gratitude

Raconteur and Silicon Valley expat who’s gone to the dogs … literally. Read more here