The End

Cathy Brooks
Gracious Gratitude
Published in
3 min readJun 22, 2020

A New Beginning

It seems fitting that today, on Father’s Day, I bring this series to a close. After missing a day a few weeks back and, in the spirit of authenticity and honesty starting the day count over, and since that time finding myself struggling, I came to a realization.

This series’ time is done. It’s served its purpose.

What was that? Simple. Getting me into a regular routine of writing. Hands on keyboard. Words out of brain and into … something.

As I meditated this morning a thought wafted through my mind, curling and shape-shifting as the smoke had from my barbecue the night before.

“Okay, Cathy. It’s time. It’s time to get cracking on the writing that is necessary. That is needed. Not just for the message that it will hopefully deliver to the world, but for your own sanity and peace of mind.”

Pretty sure that was my dad’s voice I heard.

For those of you who don’t exist in creative realms this may make no sense. For those of you who do, you’ll get this.

Creative constipation. Ideas jammed up so deeply that they can’t move, can’t breathe, can’t emerge into the world. In part, that’s what this exercise was for me. Creative bran flakes, of a sort.

And so, I bring Gracious Gratitude to a close. I still will drop a ditty here now and again. After all, science tells us that a regular gratitude practice has all kinds of value. I do have one of those — I belong to a text thread with a bunch of women who share gratitude throughout the day. My journal also houses an array of lists for which I am grateful.

Now, though, my attention turns. On this Father’s Day, I shift and turn my eyes towards to the future.

Hopefully I’ll check back in with some progress.

Gracious Gratitude. I am grateful for:

  • Willingness to close a chapter
  • Being still enough to hear the lessons I need
  • Watering my garden
  • Sunday Bliss
  • My dogs
  • Finishing an important phase on a project
  • Leftovers
  • Warm summer nights
  • The poetry of Jericho Brown



Cathy Brooks
Gracious Gratitude

Raconteur and Silicon Valley expat who’s gone to the dogs … literally. Read more here