11 Key Reasons Why You Can’t Get in Shape (and How to Fix it!)

Tony Lu
Grad Excel
Published in
17 min readDec 21, 2021


If you’ve been trying to get in shape for the past while now, and it feels like nothing has worked, don’t worry, many people feel this way.

Many people feel like they’re working hard everyday, but aren’t able to get the results that they want to see.

Whether they tried their first fitness program they saw on TikTok, or they tried to create their own and didn’t do it properly, people can fail to get in shape and reach their goals in fitness for one reason or another.

If that sounds like you, and you’re serious about getting in shape, read on for a list we’ve created of the 11 most common mistakes that trainees make, that cost them HUGE amounts of gains!

A fit woman sits tired and struggles to get in shape.

Here’s What You Might Be Doing Wrong…

  1. Not training hard enough
  2. You’re making excuses
  3. Not recovering properly
  4. Trying to do too much
  5. Lifting with improper form
  6. Not tracking your diet
  7. You’re constantly changing workouts
  8. You’re not educating yourself
  9. Trying to do everything on your own
  10. Expecting too much too quickly

