Here’s Why You Should Move to a Global City as Soon as Possible

Tony Lu
Grad Excel
Published in
6 min readJan 14, 2024


A large city metropolis in the sunset

Along with the professional opinions of lots of other career coaches and experts out there, I’d say that generally, for most young, ambitious professionals out there, it’s a good idea to move out of your hometown when you can.

I mean, it’s true that there is more to life out there than simply the same 5-10 friends, and the same two bars every weekend.

However, a lot of the time when we hear people say that you should move out of your hometown, it’s not always specified or clear where exactly you should be moving to.

Well, today I’m here to give you my two cents on that, giving you my reasons as to why you should consider moving to a global city of some sort if you can, and why it would likely be such a beneficial move for you.

Let’s get into it.

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