The ‘Show’ Muscles: What Exactly Are They and How Do You Get Them?

Tony Lu
Grad Excel
Published in
13 min readJan 24, 2022


When it comes to bodybuilding and general fitness, you’ll hear the term ‘show muscles’ being talked about quite often.

We’ve even talked about them here on our blog.

But we realize that many people reading these posts will not actually know what the ‘show’ muscles are, let alone how you would go about training and developing them to look good.

That’s exactly what we’ll be covering in this post.

So if this is something that you want to learn more about, keep on reading below!


  • Why are the ‘show’ muscles so important in bodybuilding and fitness?
  • Which muscles are the ‘show muscles?
  • How to train them to look good
  • Final thoughts

Why Are The ‘Show’ Muscles Important?

The ‘show’ muscles are the muscles that you see in the mirror when you look from the front.

They’re generally the muscles that most people see look to and first on a person that’s got a developed physique.

In order to make a good first impression, these muscles have to be well developed and big, but also defined and lean.

