What Are Growth Stocks and Why Should You Invest in Them?

Tony Lu
Grad Excel
Published in
6 min readJan 2, 2024


A stock chart showing rapid growth

Investing can seem pretty overwhelming and daunting for beginners, especially as there are so many options and things to think about.

I mean, out of seemingly hundreds of thousands, if not millions of different options, where do you even start?

What should you be investing in?

Well, there’s a certain type of stock that often gets overlooked and isn’t talked about all that often, that actually presents the opportunity for massive gains and market-beating performances for your portfolio.

I’m talking about growth stocks.

A type of stock that is generally considered high risk and high reward.

Let’s take a moment to explore what they are and why you might want to consider investing into them.

What Are Growth Stocks?

Growth stocks are essentially a type of stock or share of a company that typically exhibits above-average earnings and revenue growth rates, meaning there might be a positive outlook for the future financial performance of the company.

Growth stocks are often valued higher in relation to their fundamentals or intrinsic value, and therefore indicate a strong anticipation from the market for continue growth and profitability…

