Jetpack Compose: everything you need to know to get started


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BYJU’S Exam Prep Engineering


Jetpack Compose is the new guy on the block that everybody is swooning over! With its breakthrough approach in Android UI designing, uber-cool syntax and the fact that it brings Android development closer to web-designing(React) and iOS development(Swift UI), it is gaining popularity by the hour. For a while there, I had my apprehensions about it and didn’t quite get the problem that Compose tried to solve. However, once I dipped my toes into it, I could indeed see the inherent issues that the Android world had always been clouded with and how Compose blows them away, opening up a world of possibilities and optimisations!

What is Jetpack Compose?

As per , Jetpack Compose is “Android’s modern toolkit for building native UI. It simplifies and accelerates. Compose makes it easier to write and maintain your app UI by providing a declarative API that allows you to render your app UI without imperatively mutating frontend views.”

But what does that even mean? Let’s break down the definition and understand its elements:

What is Declarative UI and how is it different from imperative UI?

Imperative UI involves having a separate prototype/model of the application’s UI. This design focuses on the how rather than the what. An example is XML layouts in Android. We design the widgets and…

