Outmaneuvering the Invisible Thief: Bulletproofing Your Portfolio Against Inflation

An Essential Guide to Protecting Your Investments in the Face of Rising Prices

Dr. Lester Leong
Gradient Growth


Photo by Sara Kurfeß on Unsplash

Every so often, we find ourselves navigating the turbulent waters of the economic storm called inflation. Much like uncharted waters full of unseen dangers, inflation poses a threat to the health of your investment portfolio. But fear not, as you don’t have to weather this storm unprepared. We’re here to equip you with the tools and strategies you need to bolster your investment portfolio against the perils of inflation.

Understanding Inflation: The Invisible Thief

Inflation, in essence, is the rate at which the general level of prices for goods and services rises, consequently eroding purchasing power. It’s often described as an invisible thief — it doesn’t steal your money, but it sure does pilfer your money’s value (Samuelson & Nordhaus, 2010). The impact of inflation on your investments is twofold — first, it erodes the purchasing power of your returns, and second, it could lead central banks to raise interest rates, which can have knock-on effects on asset prices.



Dr. Lester Leong
Gradient Growth

Sharing remarkable ideas on finance, data science, and business. Top writer in Finance + Investing.