4 Key factors of a Verbal Communication Test

GradSiren Team
Published in
4 min readAug 27, 2018

Any interview is often comprising of written abilities tests, language skills, communication excellence, presentation skills tests and relevance skills test that is usually set concerning the required job description.Often the interviewer tries to gauge our abilities in these factors. Irrespective of the sequence of tests that would follow in these areas the following elements occupy an important role in giving you a chance of selection in the interview process. So, it is important to be well informed in these categories to provide a good show.
Here, let us have a look at a few key factors that would drive a verbal communication test that would try to analyze your language proficiency particularly with special reference to English language testing factors.
No matter how much ever proficient we are, in a particular language often the test comes as a surprise to us if not prepared well.Now English being a convergent language it is good to have a practice in these factors before taking a test as this can help in the seamless test process. Often conducted online or in person when it comes to verbal ability here are the factors and their significance in the verbal English testing system.

1. Pronunciation Test

The way or style in which we speak a word describe our command over the language orphan the factor of pronunciation in verbal English testing system tries to analyse our style of pronunciation and other language influence if any clarity in translation and few other areas are tested by using a simple paragraph recital exercise mostly a unique and non contractual paragraph is given for us to read out to the speaking system wherein the system tries to analyse our clarity in pronunciation and our ability in understanding the topic and see our flow of conversation, so it is important to have a preliminary practice course in reading out various paragraph from different contextual domains to be well prepared for any extempore pronunciation test

2. Language fluency and flow

In any verbal communication fluency is the ability to be able to speak a sentence with full confidence. It is observed through our expertise in a free flow of conversation while given a random topic. we often would be tested when asked to speak extempore about any topic where the testing system tries to gauge the fluency guess the fluency of our conversation our free flow of communicating the concept of the given topic and our ability to articulate constructive sentences is tested to understand our command over the language and how affluent we are in the particular area of verbal communication

3. Sentence framing abilities

No matter how much ever we are knowledgeable and have a good command over any context or a subject the auditory abilities in verbal communications are often decided by our abilities to construct appealing sentences in a way this can no don’t be called an art in itself as it not only defines our artistic abilities of verbal communication it also conveys our psychological perception in conveying a concept in the best way possible sentence framing test is often considered one of the important factors in verbal communication test as it helps the examiner to understand your skill of framing constructive sentences using best vocabulary repository that you have a sentence I really should not be too lengthy and verbose at the same time it should not be too short and vague. this area of expertise is often called for a test during this sentence mastery and ability test factor


4. Vocabulary and grammar

Any verbal communication is a combination of words thoughts and conceptual sentences a recipe would be complete without a few finishing ingredients which are very key and important for it to be holistic in the same way verbal communication or written communication lingual abilities are always Defined by a set of language structure that needs to be followed vocabulary and grammar is such an area that often tries to understand our, Knowledge and command over the style and understanding of the fundamental grammar nitigrities and vocabulary abilities. Abilities in defining nouns proper nouns prepositions conjunctions articles adjectives verbs adverbs et cetera will be tested and try to understand through this verbal communication factor
The factors as mentioned above are only a few important and suggestive areas of verbal communication testing parameters in any language, with special reference being given to English. However, any successful interview test is it verbal or written is often a combination of other important areas of preparation which we shall discuss in other articles of ours. We hope and wish these factors could help you have a better-informed interview performance.Cheers!

