Career in Crypto-currency Entry Level Jobs & Internships

GradSiren Team
Published in
4 min readNov 5, 2018

As the world started getting more and more digital and the number of transactions getting bigger in terms of volume, the need for more efficient and precise mediums of value are needed. Bit-Coin a most popular name perhaps that needs no much explanations revolutionized the term a lot in recent times. Thought this trend of Crypto currencies stated in 2009 not until 2017 that the world is all geared up to appreciate the real potential of this digital currency medium. The world economic medium is almost take over by storm and the markets all aligned towards Crypto currencies, along with Bit Coin there are several other newer alternate coins that make into market soon. The Crypto-Currency is an encrypted medium of value as currency being invented for a safer and secured transaction recording. A public record keeping mechanism with different nodes of recording a transaction is what that particularly makes the Crypto-currency a safer and newer way of currency for the digital era .

Though the market is indeed promising for pursuing a career in Crypto currency now, but the streamlined structuring of this stream of career is yet to be structured a lot. Indeed it is apt to say that in spite of its huge potential Crypto currency is still in an infant state in the present day world. So expecting an academic training & entry-level job & internship careers in this particular area of career would be too early to plot a graph. However given the immense value of potential associated with the crypto currency industry per say it is safe to say that a self-learning model of career beginning would sure be a promising and viable option for the university graduates as of now. Allied subjects like Software Programming, Financial Technologies, and Econometric etc. These as subjects have however evolved with this area of allied subject into their curriculum in the recent times.

Some course in universities to focus for crypto-currency career :

1. Cyber Security

2. Block Chain Fundamentals

3. Encrypted Technologies & Digital Currency technologies

4. Innovation labs with crypto avenues

These are some of the newer areas of courses being offered in the mainstream academia at graduation level to help those coveted entry level jobs & internships in crypto currencies.

Though there are a few centers offering dedicated certification programs in crypto currency area they are not spread pan across globally and are limited to some bigger universities .To quote as reference — The Crypto currency Certification Consortium located in Toronto Canada is one of the qualitative certification institute that carries some repute available in this area now. There are similar courses available but in limited number globally like Certified Bit coin Professional (CBP), Certified Bit coin Expert (CBE) etc .

As expressed while the developing array of academic and industrial foray in crypto currency are create some good volume of opportunities there are some alternative self-driven entry level job options that a crypto currency career enthusiast can focus on currently

  1. Crypto Wiki Writing :As the industry around block chain grows , so is the burgeon need for the knowledge repository for the needed enthusiast, so making a career out of such writing , blogs, articles around Crypto currency might be a good option as this could give the entry level job professional to learn a lot while researching on the topics. It could also give them the ancillary source of income to pursue their mainstream career or internship in crypto currency.

2. Crypto Investments & Financials: The Crypto currency markets are highly market risked and are collative in naught however the entry-level job enthusiast could take that step ahead and make the plunge where when the market stabilized there could be a substantial capital and career alignment that could happen

3. Block Chain Employee: The Trend has it that the most part of the crypto currency markets are created by the startups using the block chain technology. And this firms would require a professional to look after the basic employee level operative requirements, as the company and its crypto currency grows so would be your career around.

4. Cyber security & Crypto currency risk investigator: The digital era is both good and bad in terms of facilitation and easy accessibility. It is both secured if structured properly and is equally prone to cyber risks if not planned and secured well. So being the nature of financial transactions involved the crypto currency operative firms always require cyber security experts and transaction risk investigators to concurrently investigate and mitigate the problem anomalies if any in this block chain mechanism. Another potential areas of promising career as Entry Level Job & Internship opportunity.

However it is evident that the crypto currency industry is in a very nascent stage as industry globally but is seen with huge potential. So the Entry Level Jobs & internship seeker are advices to take the plunge at the right time, by taking necessary courses and by channeling their time accordingly to make that coveted career in crypto currency.

