Top 7 steps before Entry Level Jobs

GradSiren Team
Published in
3 min readOct 5, 2018

Yes! You have to take it with a pinch of salt! Finals of a graduate are exhausting and stressful. Filled with all reading, Adjusting to changing times of life, Perplexed and largely confused about that Entry Level Job that we would be getting into soon. Tragically, there’s no getting off from that mixed feelings, all you simply need is to get your head down to adopt to these changes with a positive attitude .Consider these important areas in order to get better prepared before that career journey .

1. Start Job preparations soon

Time snowballs exceedingly rapidly and you will always wish you had additional time. While you can’t include time toward the end start as early as possible. The prior you begin working the better. Start your career preparations, skill building and technical expertise training that you discover useful for your entry level jobs right at the beginning of the final year of your graduation.

2. Have a day — day practice

A routine gets you into great propensities and enables you to be well informed and prepared about all your life. Have a general sleep regime, good circadian clock and a diet regime , possibly a dinner plan, an exercise time and a wake-up time mornings. This gradually gets you into a structured professional schedule which you are soon going to embark into .

3. Use the Technology and Books for good

Perhaps graduation days all filled with projects, writing articles, books, and learning. And this is so useful that we would get to know its importance only after we go out into the industry and find out that the diligent time being spent in those college libraries and internet browsing Knowledge is after all of some use . As knowledge never goes old and will some way might help you build your job frame work better.

4. Keep tight schedule of Time lines

Though time is same as a medium for many of us it might be looking very crucial at the last moments of exams and when some key decisions in life are being made by these. Especially when you are in this last year of Graduation and seeing companies for opportunities. Make sure you are not missing on any of the application deadlines, time lines of petitions, if in case of foreign students make sure your F1 Visa and internship paper works

5. Try build networks and find professional eminence

Building network is something very important while making a career startup all that you need is to create a good profile and find the professional bodies to make your skills visible. Also it is needed to get the contacts established with the alumni associations in order to make that spark in career to happen.

6. Unplug and Relax !

The College is at the twilight of the Career and Education life and so it would be a roller coaster going forward so it is required to be more relaxed and take time out to scale up your talent and work accordingly .The career ahead might be hectic sometimes so it is important you earn all those important features in career life to be able to succeed. This would include finding some solitude to regroup your goals, targets, Strategies in Career

7. Check your financial planner

Most of the aspects in career are greatly associated with financial planning. It is equally important to keep your financial house in order in order to get a better track of career development. What make it more important is the sustainability of financial capital would give a positive confidence in the initial unpredictability of career beginnings during your entry level job times where you are yet to receive your first pay check.

