Excel in interviews with these 6 Social Intelligence tips

GradSiren Team
Published in
4 min readAug 16, 2018



“Commonsense is the most unusual aspect in many these days !” , as expressed by renowned scientist Albert Einstein, the situational behavior and the optimal responsiveness to different life scenarios would make our professionaland personal life successful. What if someone asks you about your IQ? We for the most part answer this inquiry by alluding to our IQ test scores that we often have taken during our college days. However, the genuine knowledge is about both book smart and situation smart also. Socially intelligent persons often out win the situations, careers and mostly in all aspects of life .

So now ,what is Social Intelligence?

According to several conventional definitions, Social Intelligence (SI) is the capacity to effectively construct relations and utilize the social conditions with a situational presence of mind. Our actions, relationships & social behaviors influence many of our lives right from our Job Opportunities, Careers, Interview success, best friends, social groups, our life partners, workplaceassociates, etc. So here are a few tips for better Social Intelligence in our lives to outwit the scenarios.

# 1: Try to be a good conversationalist

There is a great deal of information behind our verbal communications & our situational smartness . While in any social situation our brains take in some smaller quantum of expressions like voice speech pitches, eye moments body language, etc and processes it subliminally for responses .Individuals who have a high Social Intelligence will tend to naturally have ability to analyze these critical conversational points from any situation in a better way . So to make yourself being identified as a good conversationalist in any Interview, be it college, meeting or any social case one must have a good awareness of the social surroundings, empathy, and proper synchrony .

# 2: Be wakeful of Social Situations

Many of us often experience this feeling, of being out of the place or feel no relevance of interest in the area we sometimes are present at. Irrespective of the social situations, places that we venture, we must be very wakeful of the circumstances and triggers of feelings that arise in such spots as this influences our ability to win the situation socially.

# 3: Secure a firm space of “Self” in social settings

Irrespective of the mood of the group, condition, our fitment etc we must always try to create an area of our own solitude even in any size of a social situation, by this we are actually building a fortress of good mood in ourselves that can better match to any dynamic and unpredictable situation. With such firm Self-space being created in a Social setting we are now psychologically ready to influence our Social Intelligence, behavior and also spread that positive vibe around.

# 4: Try fix that broken flow of Social understanding

Perhaps an essential aspect of good Social intelligence ability building would be , to have a good understanding of our fellow company in a social situation. Especially during the interview times, we often tend to absolve in ourselves and forget people around us. By understanding the various aspects feelings, moods of the people around us better, we are at a better place in understanding the circumstances better because of this Social Knowledge . We are now,sure at convenient point to gauge through the situation with a socially intelligent confidence .

# 5: Be Positively Infectious in attitude & mood

When somebody grins at us, it’s actually hard not to exchange that beautiful smile back at them, isn’t it?! The same goes for other outward appearances. When at a point our companion is pitiful and starts to burst into tears, our own eyes will somehow respond to empathy and turn wet. So try to be more receptive to these habits of empathy, which we humans naturally have in us, as they can definitely help us acquire better social behavior quotient

# 6: Learn to Adapt

An important philosophy , for us to soak in for better social performance is “Change “. Change is the law of life ! and to be brisk in adapting to such scenarios is the most important thing to grow successfully. No matter how dynamic and unpredictable life gets, it is essential to adapt to such harsh situations. As the change is the most consistent phenomenon of our life, the ordeals that challenged you once would soon fade off into some triumphant moments, opportunities and careers soon greet you & help you acquire a better understanding of handling social situations better.

These are only a few ,simple yet effective tips that could secure us a positive socially intelligent interview situation . However since we cannot cover every aspect on this subject at this section , we feel if you have any more such interesting points to add ,please feel free to give your views below in the comments section . Cheers !!!

