Graduate Entry level jobs and work monotony

GradSiren Team
Published in
5 min readSep 20, 2018


We graduated with our dexterous efforts and made all our endeavors come true so far. Well, this is all good and done, but the next major challenge in our career life is, how to manage and stabilize in our career? Entry level jobs are easy to take up as the initial exuberance keeps us amazing as much knowledge as possible and feel every day at Job life a fresh new day and interesting. Psychologically we also absolve more knowledge at those entry level job capacities and feel a new world beckoning every day. It is an excellent experience of transmission from Academic life as University graduates to now getting transformed into a full self-sufficient employee of an organization. Perks of being in this moment of career life is Knowledge, satisfaction, self-respect and also Salary. It is indeed a Wow experience when get paid for what you love to do daily, isn’t it?

We’ll all is good, but studies say that these initial exuberance in entry-level jobs is usually short-lived. As our clock precession of life makes us work on a programmed monotony after some time. This daily routine creeps into us as a kind of mundane feeling of boring routine after some time. Maybe in a period of two to 5 years your Social, Financial, Psychological verve gets stagnate and feels the stagnation.

According to several independent studies conducted this state of monotony is very natural and is common in most of our careers at some point or other depending on our resilience levels to the full stress situations. The expectations of self and others, team and their support, financial needs and outcomes, etc. Several factors contribute to this Job monotony in our minds during our career.

Breaking Monotony:

Research says the only way to break monotony is to literally “Break “the flow of such sequence of a work-life program that we are toggled into on a daily practice as routine. While having a good life routine is good for our psycho social well being. Work routine is conversely effective on us. So we must break such monotonous flow at the very early stage itself of our career when we start at the entry level job capacity itself. If the same gets more years at least, it might get difficult to get out of it if more years happen after you starting Job at an entry level of your career. It could be as trivial as getting up from the other side of the bed than usual also.

Have a Hobby

Several university studies extensively observed through their academic and professional field researches that having a hobby away from our Work-Life routines is one of the most important aspects that help us break the flow of our routine and bring in some positive mood in us. Mostly art side of these hobbies acts as a getaway option from the mundane Work Life scenarios. They could also help in increasing our brain activity and improve alertness in our Jobs.

Change with the change or get extinct !

Change is the law of life. This statement from the famous bestselling book “Who Moved My Cheese” the author meticulously makes it simple as a statement that adapting to changing work-life scenarios and the style of Job and nature of work environment adaptability is vital for progression in Life. Change is the most consistent thing that keeps our life in a continuous flow some time it could be in our order and sometimes it might not be. However, what is more, important is to make sure that we are adapting to change.As an entry-level job holder, you are exposed to a recent change from your so far different Graduate life in the university. So adapting to this change is need to keep our progression in a proper direction and to avoid burnout.

Be Self-Motivated:

Motivation is not an extrinsic factor, but it is an intrinsic feature in our life. The sooner we realize this fact the better for our Job life.

Sometimes Work Life scenarios are often seen as potential mood chargers. As the challenges in our day to day work and team problems, job issues, learning issues, work macros system adapting, etc. This might demotivate us soon and could create a void in our spirit of that great first job experience. This is sometimes irreversible as the effects are mostly long-term. So many psychological experts suggest to keep the motivation up from within ourselves. We must always picture that no matter how much ever years of experience we put up to feel it is still day one and have a way ahead of the successful career of us as a feeling gives us positive mood capital.

Be Friendly in the Team:

University is different compared to our first jobs. Often in our Entry Level Jobs, we miss noting this small yet essential point that we are working in a professional environment and need to scale up to those levels of culture where age groups, different demographics differ, different experienced, skilled professionals amalgamate towards a common goal. A college is more a group of level playing friends with likeminded frequencies. Whereas the Job environment is total with divers mid sets of diverse age groups. So to be friendly and understanding, Accommodating and helpful to our fellow teammates helps us to get that team spirit which could pave the way for our career success.

There are a few of the many first jobs or entry level jobs’ must to have attitude factors that help in good mood enhancing nature .By practicing such ways and having a good Work Life balance it might be possible to optimize the monotony of Career and feel first day excitement thought out the career even years after your entry level jobs

