How “America First” Policy could create Jobs for fresh graduates

GradSiren Team
Published in
4 min readAug 22, 2018



The dynamic changes in the immigration laws, industrial growth, and overall economic changes especially in the recent times have given rise to various concerns and observations regarding the scope of the future generations and their careers in America especially during the past few years during Donald Trump’s administration. So many questions were raised regarding this unprecedented Industrial and policy changes in other terms dynamic reforms being created by the US government and their implications on future America, especially fresh graduates and their career opportunities

New American Policy and its implications on Job markets

Recently there are a few interesting observations from various reports showing some contrasting yet promising image of the career and job market in USA. So let us have a sneak peek into some of such interesting facts and projections about the US industrial foray and job market since Donald Trump administration and try to speculate some probable outcomes in the next age careers arena.

Much aligned to his pre-election campaigns, ever since Mr.Trump’s administration has taken over charge, there are changes in the immigration Laws, H1b and other areas making news with many allegations branding these as some rave reforms. However, some recent observations from employment reports created a contrasting image on these speculations. Specific job scopes are observed being created to American Graduates benefiting them in getting jobs which were otherwise being projected for outsourcing .which is an interesting and noticeable advancement especially after the Trump’s” AMERICA FIRST “policy.

Recent reports and some observations on Careers in USA

According to some aggregation reports, job industry overview in America is observed with unemployment rate in the US falling to 3.8 % an all-time low since 18 years .That means employment scope is all the way rejuvenating with opportunities . It is all time high since times of 2001 where opportunities are created during the golden age of technological revolution .Further surpassing the infamous Global economic turmoil and the rate of unemployment being created during 2008. This carefully positions the US unemployment rate at 3.8 % as a big positive sign of growth since the dawn of the millennia. US departments are now happy in declaring a job creation growth with around two lakhs of opportunities in USA by this year.

However, there are a few specific Industries that have led this way all through in creating this successful employment numbers. Like the Retailers, Healthcare industry, Construction firms, Manufacturing industry leading the way in making this employment generation possible .According to the department of labor and employment USA ,there is a staggering volume of around 160000 new jobs been created purely since this April 2018 which is a good number for career aspirants to celebrate on.

However though ,the job market in various industries is teaming with opportunities in creating jobs for the Americans, this positive consequence has also projected some slowing down growth in the Average-Wage and Salary structures. This directly triggers a message that the jobs that are being created are primarily focused on Entry-level, individual contributing employees, Fresh graduates and Internship seekers.

Call for action from University Grads & Entry-level Job seekers

From studies of recent nature, it is so elucidated that the employment generation is happening at a gross level in volume and particularly at entry-level capacities. So,it calls for action from the fresh graduates and university internship seekers to focus on specific areas of careers right at this moment in order to tap the positive consequences and in order to benefit from the changing weathers .The reports from the recent times also suggest few Industries that have been forerunners in this area of creating employment like Mining Industry, Wholesale and retail trading, Business services and Data-Analytics, Manufacturing, Construction, Information technology, Education, Healthcare services and Government services . These are only a few suggestive areas of industries for the university graduates and entry-level professionals to focus on in order to attain better careers tapping into the benefit of the changing times in US careers.

