How is Graduation worth a Time?

GradSiren Team
Published in
4 min readOct 4, 2018

We often have this dilemma in Life about the value associated with career and money spent in pursuing a graduation degree. Questions are often persistent, if they are of any worth their time and money being spent in making our career a success at all. For most part of this discussion we seek shelter under the famous successful personalities in Life who are actually school dropouts and or not so successful in the conventional education system. So let us deconstruct the different facades of this argument if the Graduation education is it worth time and money being spent.

1. It improves your qualification score

Well theoretical knowledge may not be always an important criteria to be successful in any career. But for most this would help you gain a basic qualification, which is a base requirement to be able to qualify for some exams or Job positions. The Skills and technical expertise needed for a particular job are mostly driven by the live experience one has in a particular role and are hardly associated with any Class room education and certificates, but the base foundation of very getting into a job sometimes requires a proper Graduation Score and certificate, where your university education helps you secure a qualifying footing step in your aspired career

2. It helps with wider variety of career options

Choice is sometimes very imperative to progress in career. We struggle a lot to make ourselves being able to succeed in a particular skill set but at the same time the external circumstances, business environment, location, industry nature and few other things play a key role in honing our career. Career choices are sometimes narrowed down because of the availability of options in a particular career option because of our basic academic credentials. So a well-planned skill set certification could increase your chance of finding a relevant role and fitment basing on our graduation, specialty chosen, certifications done etc. There by giving us a platter of variety in career options than just being cornered to a limited few options.

3. Improvement in Salary Structure

Imagine you are the niche trained expert with a valid university degree in a particular area of study and the resource pool in this area is very narrow in the Job market. This kind of scenarios are so rosy to be observed that some time we assume a king status in the field being a niche skilled expert. This not only opens up our opportunities to best Job offers from finest employers but would also makes us financially sound. It is obvious the role of Demand & Supply directly applies to the career markets. Especially in these disruptive era of global business, Trained professional with niche skills are most sort after and will be paid any pay to get them on board the company. This gives our Education, Efforts, Aspirations an instant gratifications while paying us very rosy pay packages. As the supply in this particular niche area from university is very less the demand for them with any requested salary is more.

4. Helps with that leap in Life on a gear switch

A generic professional in the no skilled, teller roles or who may need to work on a clock procession with less of a human though activity and more of a physical worker role is a bygone era in the present working class career life. Now we are heading towards individual contributors, who can make work simplified, train a machine for better functionalities, write a mega code and run millions of programs on a tip of a click .This kind of technological knowhow is what industry is needing and so is the current university education focusing on . Accordingly the transmission of being a Manager from an intern, or becoming a CEO after Graduation Education is quite possible. So that big leap in life need not be waited till 10 years of progression in the hierarchy ladder or so many ordeals faced, as long as our career goals and core areas of interest are clear and precise.

