Top Future Careers for Entry-Level Jobs & Internships

GradSiren Team
Published in
3 min readNov 14, 2018

The industry is fast growing and so is the burgeoning need for skilled professionals in the respective areas. According to the AoN Hawett groups breakthrough study conducted in 2017, it was evident that Several Organizations globally has to spend the same volume of resource and time to find the right resources as much as the attrition percentages are in the industry. The huge and growing need of the especially skilled. The Professionally specialized expertise in the respective fields is not an easy task for any industry to find so easily. As the newer areas of technology and new ways of Human Resource requirements keep growing so would be the need for new skilled professionals. Across the industry types, there are new ways of HR Skill functionalities being observed changing & are still evolving. So here are a few fast such growing Industries in USA and many countries to follow that might have a huge potential.

Renewable Energy & Growth

Energy is one of the vital ingredients that drives any economy. As we already know that several nations purely depend on the energy sector for their robust economy. The Excessive need of fuel resources, the hyper-fast growth of the global industrial economy in the past century, the growing dependency of a need for fossil fuels in the resent scenarios is making the countries raise obvious questions of an Alternate energy resources development, Renewable Energy resources management. This sensitivity in global economies made the countries to invest heavily regarding business investments, Long-term resources planning, training & Development and so on. So the Energy Industry according to Human resources experts globally is one of the key areas for future career aperients to start a decent Entry Level Job & or Internship after their University graduation. A well-designed career plan in Renewable Energy is worth an investment of your most valuable resource as a young Career Aspirant that is “Time.” Make sure that you find the right Internship & Entry Level Job counseling and support to pave a structures career in the field.

Pharmacy & Bio-Technology

Ever since the dawn of new millennium most of the industries are more or less being invested their key Business, strategic & information resources in upgrading technologies. This Technological transcendence is so acute and swift that several experts even predict that more than 30% of some of the industries might be Automated & AI driven in a shorter future as early as 2030. The Molecule Research, Broad Spectrum Drug synthesis & Research, New aliment research & Break Through Medicine development, Gene Research, Genetically Editing and Genome Research Studies are only a few of the many advancements that keep ringing tremendous growth in the recent times. The amalgamation of Technology with Bio-Sciences coupled with Chemical Technology and Pharmacy would be perhaps one of the tremendous growth prospected Job Market & Career Endeavour of coming years. Time & Studies invested in this Career path would surely yield a fast growing career success.

Engineering Technology Management:

The Faculty of engineering is not all conventional streams of the Science any more the Civil Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Communication & Mobile Technologies, and the list goes. The New business of Technology is more inclined towards Technology Management and is drive also by Technology expertise be it any stream of Engineering & Sciences. So understanding the nuances of Technological adaptability in these areas could add value to the Entry-Level Career opportunities. However, the future Sciences are more inclined towards being Engineering Technology Management as the allied nature of subjects is more confluence merging all fields into one single area of Technological Advancement called “Singularity “ in future.

