Week 11—Generative Research Presentation + Feedback


a. Sánchez
Design to Improve Life
2 min readApr 22, 2020


Through all of the ups and downs of having to transition a highly collaborative project offline to online, we were able to work through our fabulous presentation.

Presentation Recap

We had a few goals when outlining our presentation. We wanted to be really clear about subject area we were in and how we moved forward. To set the tone, we used a little bit of emotional storytelling. We also had to be very clear because has slightly pivoted to consider the pandemic.

We also wanted to be clear that our constant was around always focusing on fostering and creating community. This is how clear we were→

We had pivoted from Design to Improve Life to Design to Improve Life in the face of a pandemic.

We also walked them through our process which you can view here.

Overall I think our presentation went really well, we were able to pull together a TON of stuff while also figuring out how to transition to being remote.

Our action items/game plan post-presentation was (refine key insights, do another round of ideation, refine and combine concepts, refine target audience, evaluate concepts with our target audience.)

Revisiting Ideation

Ideation was a bit tricky because we did not have enough time to really break down the directions we wanted to go in and did not have a really solid opinion for what we preferred. Which kind of made it tough for others to give us feedback

Week 12 will walk through the different work we did to push ourselves into the evaluative phase.



a. Sánchez
Design to Improve Life

MDes @ CMU • They/Them • The scum between your toes