How to do countdown with API

Penny Pang
Graduation Thesis 2019
2 min readNov 3, 2019

Following with the previous blog post on how to get the time, convert it to AEST time and using the diff to identify how many minutes left till the train comes, we want to have a count down according to the local time change so that we know when the train is coming.

I didn’t want to constantly keep calling the API since I have a limit of 60,000 hits. So we’re going to use if statement, set a constant -1 for the countdown and re-set the state every time for new countdown.

We had the countdown state that we stored in const { countdown } = this.state; which is essentially the same as const countdown = this.state.countdown;

Then we’re going to set the minus one so the number decreases let newCountdown = countdown -1;

So when the state gets updated, we have the new countdown

this.setState({ countdown: newCountdown });

The if statement shows that if the countdown reaches 0, you want to clear the interval and have the text written “arrived!”

What if I press the button again?

IF you press the button again to call another API, the timer will not clear the current data and and the original will keep counting down as well as the new API call countdown will also be counting down. We needed something to clear the data

Use React Life cycle method

ComponentWillUnmount( ) will unmount the old data and update the API call so that the countdown will not override the old data.

componentWillUnmount(){ clearInterval(this.state.countdown) }



Penny Pang
Graduation Thesis 2019

Full-time UX/UI Designer, Part-time online entrepreneur, Casual food blogger and innovation advocate