Can Writing Be as Fun as Playing Video Games?

Some thoughts on writing and gamification

James Garside
graffiti living


Have you ever spent hours doing nothing, watching TV, or playing video games and thought to yourself: if only I could write with the same level of commitment and discipline?

Is there a way to make writing as ‘rewarding’ as doing nothing, watching TV or playing video games? I ask for a friend.

One way is to gamify writing; turn the writing process into a game to motivate you to write — play to write.

Another way is to reward yourself for writing by doing the activities that you normally do instead of write — write to play.

Or you could just reward the stuff you need to do with stuff you don’t.

Reward your successful creative output.

Reward all productive and creative desired behaviours.

Reward writing, exercise, daily routines and all that good stuff with guilt-free play.

You’ll enjoy your reward more after you’ve earnt it.

Gamify the rewards. Give yourself a carrot, or a cookie, but don’t forget the stick.

Set real-world consequences for not getting your writing done.



James Garside
graffiti living

Freelance journalist, author, and travel writer. I help writers and artists to do their best work. Let's be part of each other's stories.