The Best Thing to do with a Good Book

Bibliomancy for fun and profit

James Garside
graffiti living


Photo by Gaelle Marcel

Groucho Marx once said, “Outside of a dog, a book is man’s best friend. Inside of a dog it’s too dark to read.”

Although he was joking, he was right about one thing — a book can be your best friend.

He was probably also right about it being too dark inside a dog to read, unless you took a torch with you, but that’s not something that I’d recommend trying at home!

We all love books, and it’s probably the love of a great book that got you writing in the first place, but did you know that books can talk and that you can train your favourite book to answer questions?

This is a little magic trick known as Bibliomancy that wizards have been using for years.

Here is what you do:

• Pick out a book that you love and hold it in your hands

• Close your eyes and ask the book a question

• Open the book at any page that feels right to you and put your finger on the page

• Open your eyes and write down the sentence or paragraph that you are pointing to, or the first words that you notice

• This is the book’s answer to your question



James Garside
graffiti living

Freelance journalist, author, and travel writer. I help writers and artists to do their best work. Let's be part of each other's stories.