Photo by Gregory Hayes

Grail Dream Team

One example of what’s possible in co-creative leadership

Holly McCann
Published in
3 min readFeb 23, 2019


“There is almost a sensual longing for communion with others who have a large vision. The immense fulfillment of the friendship between those engaged in furthering the evolution of consciousness has a quality impossible to describe.”
~ Pierre Teilhard de Chardin

I recently put out a call, Calling Grail Leaders to the Round Table.

As I imagine the endless possibilities that could arise from this, I continue to come back to an image that I’d like to share with you.

Here is just one example of a dream team I’ve envisioned as a sort of avatar for a Mutual Thriving Network. It is in the sector of local, organic food and farming in the Boulder/Front Range region of Colorado:

  • Kilt Farm ~ a regenerative organic farm and CSA dedicated to growing and sharing nutrient-rich food through a focus on healthy soil
  • Light Root Community Farm ~ a biodynamic farm and dairy devoted to creating a healthy diversified farm ecosystem that nurtures the land, produces life-giving food, and cultivates a direct relationship with the local community through education and outreach programs
  • Waste Farmers ~ a regenerative holding and operating company {and certified B Corp} with brands that convert food waste from restaurants, schools and farms into soil amendments and fertilizers
  • Natural food stores like Alfalfa’s, Lucky’s Market and Natural Grocers
  • Farm-to-table restaurants like Leaf, Salt, Lucile’s, Black Cat, Blackbelly, and The Kitchen {founded by Kimball Musk, called “the greenest restaurant in the West”}
  • Boulder County Farmers Markets and The Farmstand Collective, a storefront that purchases farmers’ surplus and “seconds” for sale to the public and restaurants at a reduced rate
  • JustOne Organics ~ through a series of revolutionary Gentle Drying Centers, converting large quantities of organic produce into gently dried flakes that retain nearly all of the nutrient value, color and flavor with an incredibly long shelf life and high transportability; works with local organic farmers to support their thriving by purchasing consistently high volumes of produce {especially the less “pretty” output} and sharing with farmers a wealth of nutrient information about the produce and microbial richness of their soil; and so much more.
  • Lineage Seeds ~ creating decentralized seed banks, supporting seed farmers and creating demand for local heirloom seeds; their mission is “to put organic, locally grown, heirloom seeds in every home, thereby preserving our food heritage while supporting local growers.”

I personally know many of the founders of these new-paradigm organizations, ~ maverick leaders who are not only passionate about the core product or service they are bringing to life, but also the way in which business is transacted. Many of them are also playing with innovative ideas, co-creating with others to birth new solutions around finance, technology, community interaction, and sharing of best practices.

Can you imagine the monumental shifts that could result from a gathering of the hearts and minds of these grail leaders, each operating in his or her Zone of Genius, and all working synergistically together?

As I feel into the possibilities of a group such as this, my cells come alive and I see a vision of a global tipping point being reached rapidly, as we are better able to ground these abundance-based, mission-driven initiatives into this reality at an exponentially greater rate.



Holly McCann

Founder & Vision Keeper of Grail Leadership, helping pioneering leaders thrive by aligning core mission, essential genius and the regenerative flow of nature