Image credit: Dave Hoefler

The Regenerative Flow of Nature

Aligning your business with the energy of life

Holly McCann
Grail Leadership
Published in
5 min readJan 29, 2021


“When one tugs at a single thing in nature, he finds it attached to the rest of the world.” ~ John Muir

What if you could tap into a natural, organic flow of energy in your business, community or initiative that is life-giving, self-organizing, self-sustaining, coherent at any scale, abundant, and connected to the limitless potential of the universe?

Spoiler alert: You can. In fact, it’s not only possible ~ it is essential for any leader who is a part of co-creating a regenerative future.

Hang with me for a few minutes while I dive into the realm of Geekdom. I promise to bring it back to you and your initiative tout de suite….

The Torus

There is a field of energy that surrounds every living thing, generated by a process known as the torus ~ nature’s way of creating and sustaining life.

The torus is the regenerative flow of life-force energy found in the human heart, as well as the heart of the Earth, the Sun, and the Milky Way Galaxy. This electromagnetic field is found in atoms, cells, seeds, flowers, trees, animals, humans, hurricanes, planets, suns, galaxies and even the cosmos as a whole.

A torus is made up of a central axis with a vortex at both ends and a surrounding coherent field. Energy flows in one vortex, through the central axis, out the other vortex, and then wraps around itself to return to the first incoming vortex. In this way, the energy “inside-outs,” continuously flowing back into itself.

Self-Sustaining and Scalable

Scientist and philosopher, Arthur Young, explained that a torus is the only energy pattern or dynamic that can sustain itself and is made out of the same substance as its surroundings ~ like a tornado, a smoke ring in the air, or a whirlpool in water.

This self-sustaining, balanced yet dynamic, energy flow process is found in regenerative systems at all scales. It is what allows for a “fractal” nesting of energy from the micro to the macro where each individual entity has its unique identity while also being connected with all else {Sovereign Unity}.

“The self in a toroidal Universe can be both separate and connected with everything else.” ~ Arthur Young

The torus is a seamless, flowing exchange of energy and information throughout the entire cosmic experience ~ a “stepping down” and “stepping up” from level to level where the energy comes into balance and coherence appropriate to each scale.

Order from Chaos

The torus is self-organizing. The process of spiraling into flow, where individual parts come into an overall order, is spontaneous and happens without control from an external force. The system inherently knows how to create order from chaos.

Centered and Connected

One of the key characteristics of the torus is that at its very center, there is a space of ultimate balance and stillness. This “zero point” or “singularity” ~ in which there is nothing yet everything, where all is known yet unknown ~ is the space of pure potentiality from which all matter is brought into form.

This center point within all natural systems connects the system to the unified field that underlies all of creation. In this way, there is a kind of reciprocal exchange ~ where the individual is informed and influenced by its surrounding environment, and the surrounding environment is informed and influenced by the individual, in a continuous balanced rhythmic interchange of giving and receiving.

Viewing Organizations as Organisms

The toroidal flow process includes the features and principles of healthy living systems identified by evolutionary and systems biologist Elisabet Sahtouris, stating that these apply “from cells to organisms, ecosystems to Earth, bodies to businesses.”

She observed that when these features are present, the system is balanced and whole. When these features become compromised or absent, the system goes out of balance and becomes dysfunctional and corrupted to the point that it will either collapse completely or transform into a new balanced state.

This is why so many of our societal systems and command-and-control ways of doing business are now collapsing. We are maturing beyond mechanistic models of business where organizations are viewed as machines, beyond economic models where success is defined by extracting the greatest value by giving the least, and beyond the siloed approach where businesses are seen as distinct, disconnected entities that must do everything on their own.

We are beginning to remember and embody the knowing that we as human beings are inextricably interconnected systems of systems within systems, impacted by and impacting the environments in which we exist. From this perspective, we can see that what we have called “businesses” or “organizations” are actually co-creations of people and nature ~ living organisms that are themselves ecosystems nested within greater ecosystems.

Aligning with the Flow of Nature

All natural life has a rhythm and a flow that is continually regenerating itself through infinite cycles of life, death and rebirth in nested, interconnected ecosystems.

By aligning ourselves and our business organisms in ways that mimic this toroidal flow, we generate a coherent field of resonance with the cosmic patterning of life and tap into a resource of energy and creativity that is life-honoring and abundant beyond measure.



Holly McCann
Grail Leadership

Founder & Vision Keeper of Grail Leadership, helping pioneering leaders and their businesses fulfill their mission and thrive in alignment with Nature.