I found a hack-y way to onboard new joiners

Ankit Gupta
Published in
2 min readJun 11, 2022
Photo by Andreas Klassen on Unsplash

If you have onboarded new joinees — employees & interns in your company, you would have realised how repetitive the process is.

If you lead the person through a structured way to ramp up it can make the experience of the new person quite pleasant and less overwhelming at the same time. We need to ensure that topics are introduced at a time when the employee can understand and absorb it better.

This needs to be coupled with assigning tasks and making sure they are completed. Once those are done, requisite advanced training on that particular topic can be provided.

One other problem is — as a mentor you also want to track their progress so as to know where they are.

Let’s see how to do this, very easily with few tools (that you already maybe using)!

Documentation is at the heart of making any onboarding path smooth. We use Confluence by Atlassian to document our flows, how-tos, etc.

For task management we use JIRA (again by Atlassian).

Step 1.

Document each and everything that you find yourself explaining over and over. Confluence or any other tool like Notion would work equally well here.

Step 2.

Create a JIRA task (or any other task management tool) with sub-tasks which are either of the 2 types:

  1. Reading material
  2. Action / Try out / Task item

Assign rough estimates on each sub-task — indicating the time it would typically take to complete.

Onboarding Task

As the tasks complete one can monitor their progress right from here.

Sub-tasks with Action Items

You can mark tasks Optional to indicate they can be skipped.


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