We chose art as teambuilding and we enjoyed it.

Ion Mocan
Published in
4 min readNov 28, 2016

We were thinking about a team-building activity for our team at Granat. I stumbled upon these guys and decided to try an ”Art Team Building”

On a Friday morning, we turned our meeting room at Granat into a workshop.

The task was to draw the logo of our company, but you can alter and modify the colors and the concept as much as you would like.

Here’s how we did it.

Irina Clescenco, designer.
Ekaterina Zaharova, media manager
Dima Talmazan, a bit out of focus, comparing his black painting with Alina Florea’s drawing.
Drawing honey like shapes.
Ilia Plamadeala, drawing cow-like patterns on the logo.
Ana Maria, wait, where’s the logo?
Here it is. Smart move.
You won’t find such a unobstructed smile on stock photos. Pure joy from Alina Florea, the Clients Director :)
Smiley Loredana Muntean, account maanger.
Front view.
The copywriter Artur Vidmidi, very focused.

What are the pros and cons of an art workshop?


You don’t get to interact with all your colleagues, so this can’t be used as an ice-breakers and to get people to know each other more. You will need another teambuilding activity for that.


It is fun, interesting, people who did not draw since third grade will feel happy to do it. It helps you to unleash your creativity, to do something with your hands, to have your mind completely free from day-to-day tasks that you usually do in the office. You can also see the approach of every other at drawing and choosing colors, which might reveal some interesting things about them.

Here’s the awesome result:

And a bonus…

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Granat.md is a Digital Marketing Agency. Check out our work here.

