John Bakkum
Grand Challenges in Education
1 min readJan 23, 2019


7 Compelling Reasons Why You Gain when You Bridge Cultures: … #valuingworldcultures #EDU370
I would use this article because it brings up a topic that is very important to address.

One thing that could come up, especially being from a small town in Montana is that there isn’t that many cultures represented. Students will think that because there’s only a couple thousand people in their town, there cant be any multicultural representation in the classroom. No matter what classroom, in whatever city, there will always be numerous cultures that are present.

One great way to acknowledge and present all of the cultures that are represented in my classroom is a ‘Culture show and tell.” Students will be given the opportunity to show us a little bit about themselves and where they come from. All students will be able to present, and students will not be forced to if they do not feel comfortable. This is a tremendous way to “bridge cultures” and help students overcome the misconceptions that they aren’t that many cultures represented in my classroom.

This text provides six other examples of ways to present multiple cultures to students. They are all great examples, and would definitely help my students understand the topic better.

