Art depicting what Lewis and Clark saw during their Explorations

Dalton Delaney
Grand Challenges in Education
1 min readOct 4, 2018

In this article, it shows you a painting created by an artist showing Native Americans hunting bison. Also in this article, it talks about what the author wanted to gain from this painting. After doing a little research on this artist I learned that he has a ton of paintings about Native Americans and their history. Since I plan on teaching on a reservation I think that I could create a cool lesson on Native History instead of a European view on history. I think that the use of art in history is a cool concept because it shows how your students are viewing the knowledge they are learning visually. I’m not sure what about the misconceptions students could come into this lesson with but I’m very interested in what might come up. The grand challenge this goes under is the Understanding of the American Experience. I think the Native American view of America is kind of swept under the carpet. Being in Montana and having so many reservations in Montana it is important that we look at their experience here. For a formative assessment, I would have students Visualize on paper their understandings of the lesson.

This Lesson falls under the Social Studies Content Standard 6- Students demonstrate an understanding of the impact of human interactions and cultural diversity on societies.

