Blooms Taxonomy

The current events article I chose is about Blooms Taxonomy and how it has been recently revised. I believe this is important because we use Blooms Taxonomy every day when we are teaching whether we know it or not. Blooms Taxonomy consists of six goals for students the six of these are.. 1.) create, 2.) evaluate, 3.) analyze, 4.) apply, 5.) understand and 6.) remember. So these six things are all things you are doing with your students every single day whether it be by group discussions, a KWL chart or maybe even having the students having their own group discussions. How I would use this as a formative assessment is by observing the students and having a checklist for them at the end of the day, did the students create, evaluate, analyze, apply, understand and remember something today? This would be a simple yes or no that the student completed these six things. The grand challenge this connects to is Understanding the American Experience. I believe that in our education system that students deserve the best education that we can provide them and that everyone has a right to an education.

