Global Warming.

Jayden Tripp
Grand Challenges in Education
2 min readJan 24, 2019

There are many ways to discuss global warming with your students. In this break down I will discuss how I would teach global warming in my classroom of fifth graders.

I would begin by preassessing my students by doing a KWL (know, want to know, and learned) chart. I would also ask students if they ever see or hear about global warming in the news or from adults in their lives. After finding out what my students already know and what they still need to learn I would introduce the article that I found that introduces the topic of global warming and breaks it down to the basics ( After reading through the article with my students I would ask my students what they learned from it. I would then ask students how they are seeing global warming around them. The more connections students can make to the topic and themselves the more successful they will be in the subject.

After discussing that, I would show my students a short video on the topic ( This will allow students to visually see it again make more connections to the topic. It will also serve to show students that they can use multipe types of media in order to find information.

After introducing the topic and giving the students more to research, I would start them off in groups doing more research on global warming. I would set some perimeters like: make a poster board showing one cause for global warming, show how it causes it and also show how we can reduce this cause.

Students will be working on their own in their small groups to come up with causes and solutions. They will present their topic to the class in order for the students to learn from eachother. This is a great way to get students engaged with each other, and learning information that isnt just be regurgitated from the teacher to them.

After all the students are finishined sharing we would go back to our KWL chart and we would fill in what we learned at the very end of it. This is a great way for students to see and track where they started and where they ended up and how much they learned along the way.

