In Your Opinion?

Johnna Simmons
Grand Challenges in Education
2 min readOct 4, 2018

This article published by Time for Kids titled ‘Should Plastic Straws Be Banned?’ The article goes on to discuss how people are standing against the use of plastic straws and that some of the major cities have banned them completely such as Seattle, Washington. Two TFK third grade reporter post their opinions on whether they should be banning straws or not.

The formative assessment I would use with this lesson is an essay. The students will be doing independent research on the topic to find a separate article that supports their answer (for or against the ban of straws). The students will be prompted to write about their opinion and why they believe that using the article provided and the one they found that supports their opinion. During this time students will also be using the turn and talk and the peer teaching strategies as they move further into their final publications. The students will be talking with their peers about whether they believe that banning straws is one step towards saving our planet or that is it unnecessary and inconvenient.

These assessments will allow the teacher to review the work produced along the way to final publication. This activity is a fun engaging way students can interact with current events as well as work on their writing and researching skills to help support their arguments. The main article provided for students has two well-written arguments that will help with scaffolding for their own arguments for or against the ban.

Grand Challenge — Understanding and sustaining a biodiverse planet. This article talks about the current issues the planet is facing with the use of straws and them ending up in the waterways.

Standard — W.3.6 With guidance and support from adults, use technology to produce and publish writing (using keyboarding skills) as well as to interact and collaborate with others.

W.3.1 Write opinion pieces on topics or texts, supporting a point of view with reasons.

Need more resources on this topic? Below listed are a few more articles about the use of plastic straws.

