Kindness in the Classroom

Kacin Bolinger-Perret
Grand Challenges in Education
2 min readJan 25, 2019

“We are now entering day 32 of the government shutdown,” states a local Las Vegas news channel. Titled Local TSA Agents Help Each Other Out During Government Shutdown, this article talks of the kindness surrounding the families in need during the government shutdown. I chose this article because it is one of kindness, rather than destruction.

I would like to do a lot of work with kindness within my classroom. To start my lesson, I will read the article aloud with my students and then we will have a discussion. I will use this article to focus in on the fourth-grade writing standard that students will “Write narratives to develop real or imagined experiences or events using effective technique, descriptive details, and clear event sequences” (W. 4. 3). I want my students to reflect on a time that they received an act of kindness or a time that they were kind to someone else.

They will then write a narrative describing that time and will publish their finished product to Kidblog, where they can comment on each other’s work, as well as, receive feedback from other educators. As a formative assessment, I will look at their work to see if they understood the prompt. I will also focus on spelling and grammar, as well. From my formative assessment, I will learn if my students can write a story with a clear sequence and story.

