Medium Post 5

Murphy McGowan
Grand Challenges in Education
1 min readMar 29, 2019

The article I found addresses the misinformation about vaccinations. I chose this article because it is a very important topic with very divided viewpoints. Deciding whether or not to get vaccinations is a very important decision that should be an educated decision, students will be able to evaluate for themselves how they feel about this topic. Students should ponder the implications of getting vaccinated versus not getting vaccinated, they should ask themselves

  • Do vaccinations really cause ASD?
  • Are there increasing rates of ASD or are there increasing rates of education on ASD?
  • Should everybody get vaccinations?

I think this is a great exercise for students because they are able to read and make their own decisions regarding the topic. The grand challenge this relates to is demystifying the universe as this highly controversial topic is experiencing rapid growth in research each year. I think the most applicable standard is 9–12 Health Standard 18: Evaluate the effect of media on personal and family health.

