Montana Judge Restores Protections for Grizzly Bears, Blocking Hunts

Chandler Williams
Grand Challenges in Education
2 min readOct 3, 2018

This article is about a federal judge who ruled that protections on grizzly bears get restored and because of this it blocks hunts in the lower 48 states. The judge blocked hunting of grizzly bears because the species is still recovering and is not going to sustain in the long term.

The strategy I would use to teach this to my students is visualizations. I would use this to teach to my students because I feel like this would be something that they can have a lot of fun with while also showing me that they understand the text they are reading. Students could also draw a couple of different pictures for example they could draw a picture of the judge of his ruling and they could also draw a picture of a bear.

Some other teachers have taught an article like this is by tying this article with endangered species and talking about the importance of trying to keep animals off the endangered species list. A teacher could also use this article to teach students about different Montana animals.

I would learn from my students what they understand about endangered species and why we might want to protect them as a society. I would also learn what students know about grizzly bears.

Some misconceptions students might have about this article is the difference between long term ability to keep the animals off the list of endangered species and the endangered species list.

This grand challenge is the american experience.

Standard used:SL.3.2 Determine the main ideas and supporting details of a text read aloud or information presented in diverse media and formats, including visually,quantitatively, and orally.

