National Parks are Warming

Kayla Adair
Grand Challenges in Education
1 min readOct 3, 2018

The article I chose for this lesson is “National Parks are warming twice as fast as the U.S. overall” by Emily Benson. This article is about how the National Parks have been warming up twice the rate between the years 1850 and 2010. It is important for students to know this is because, I want them to see what is happening in our world. Especially, when it is happening in our own backyard.

Questions that may occur during this article are: What is happening to the National Parks? Which National Parks is the effecting? What does this mean for us? How can we slow or stop the parks from warming up?

Activities I would do with this lesson is word sort. Word sort would be a wonderful way for students to learn new science terms and be able to understand what they mean. These is also where I would use a turn and talk because, students can collaborate ideas on what they think is happening and what they think that can do to help this situation. Students will also be able to predict on what the new terms mean.

Montana Science Standards Third Grade: Obtain and combine information to describe climate patterns in different regions of the world.

Grand Challenge: Understanding the American Experience. The reason I chose this Grand Challenge is because National Parks are to help us the history of the land around us and what America is all about.

