Personal Creation

Johnna Simmons
Grand Challenges in Education
2 min readOct 8, 2018

This article posted by Time for Kids titled Inside the Crayola Factory written by Rebecca Katzman. This article talks about the Crayola factory in Pennsylvania and how they are created and about the color pigments in crayons. The article has photos of inside the factory and goes into a little bit of history on Crayola.

With this article I will have my students do journaling after reading over this article with a partner. They will be prompted to reflect on the article they just read and about the project they will be starting next, making their own crayon and with a unique color name. Once students have done their journaling reflection they will be prompted to talk to a partner about what they wrote. During art special the students will be working with wax, powder pigment, and rubber molds to create their own crayons and unique colors. Once student crayons are finished with their own color names they will make a display for the gallery walk. During the gallery walk students will walk around the room observing how other colors used the pigments to create colors in their crayons. Each student will be prompted to provide feedback on their classmates’ work.

These two activities allow students to engage in a text with their peers and reflect on it in a meaningful manner. This activity is good for cross curricular connections between ELA and the Arts. This activity will allow students to be creative and is not as structured as most lesson they will engage in. There is a lot of opportunities for the teacher to view the thought process behind the work through reading the student journal entries and listing as they talk with their peers.

Standard- Visual Arts 3rd grade: 2. create artwork using a variety of artistic processes and materials.

RI.3.2 Determine the main idea of a text; recount the key details and explain how they support the main idea.

Grand Challenge- Understanding the American Experience

