Planet Nine Could Be Our Solar Systems Missing ‘Super Earth’

Molly Huber
Grand Challenges in Education
1 min readJan 24, 2019 Outer space is a very interesting and engaging topic for many students. After learning about space, students come to a realization that the Universe is enormous and scientists are frequently discovering new things in our solar system and them universe. I think space topics create critical thinking, as well as sparks students interest and curiosity.

Before I start the lesson on Planet Nine, I would play a short youtube video titled Solar System 101 National Geographic. This video is about our solar system and the eight planets. This is a great video to educate students about our solar system who may not know much about it. Then I would dive into the new discovery…Planet Nine. I would have my students choose whether they’d like to read this article in group or individually. No matter their choice, I would have them highlight or underline facts that they find interesting of important. Then I would lead a class discussion about the new discovery. I think this is a good strategy for this article because space is a difficult topic and I believe students will be able to educate each other on the topic.

