The government shutdown

justin silva
Grand Challenges in Education
1 min readJan 31, 2019

With the longest government shutdown in history coming to an end, it is bound to come up in the classroom. With politics being a touchy subject for teachers to address with a class, I believe the best approach is to “teach don't preach.”

Teachers should stick to the facts revolving around the shutdown. It is important to avoid any statements that might place blame on one political side or another. The article provided from abc news does a good job of describing some of the general effects the shutdown is having on the country. For example, it describes that the entire government did not shut down and how government employees are affected. I would begin a lesson by having students read this article to get a basis of what the shutdown is. Hopefully, this will spark some questions from the students. Once the questions have formed students will be able to research topics related to the shutdown in order to get a better understanding. This research will later be shared in a class discussion to round out the information.

This is a very dense subject that is bound to arise in the classroom. Teachers are going to need all the help they can get in order to explain it to there students appropriately. The slightest miscommunication can cause an angry parent to cause an uproar.

