Writing to Oral Comm./Reading in A Long Walk to Water Lesson.

Kylan Hallett
Grand Challenges in Education
2 min readMar 31, 2019

A two-part activity to do with the A Long Walk to Water book (ALWtW) that starts with written and transitions to reading and oral communication. The first part would involve the routine of text impression, taking key words and having students write a small paragraph on what the content is about. The second part is close reading of the text to compare predictions to and a research presentation. It is up to the teacher on what parts are grade and how in-depth the teacher wants the research project to be. Students in grades 9–12 would benefit from this activity and adjustments can be made to improve its relevance. This two-part activity meets the social studies content standard 1 — Students access, synthesize, and evaluate information to communicate and apply social studies knowledge to real world situations. Content standard 4 — Students demonstrate an understanding of the effects of time, continuity, and change on historical and future perspectives and relationships. Content standard 6 — Students demonstrate an understanding of the impact of human interaction and cultural diversity on societies. The activity also connects to the Grand Challenges of understanding and sustaining a biodiverse planet, and valuing world cultures.

As stated above introduce the content by giving or displaying the key words that will be used for the text impression activity. For example: water, clean, dirty, miles, digging, plastic jug, etc. Once the students have seen the key words give each student time to write a short story on what they think the content/story is about. After have volunteers read what they wrote and once anticipation has built enough, give the students the book ALWtW. Proceed to start the second part of the activity by having students complete a closed reading of chapters 1–5 and 14–18. Once the students are done reading have them answer the big questions of should everyone have access to clean water? What can you do to help others have access to clean water? Find other examples of an event changing a group of people’s way of life in the world like what happens in ALWtW? Here is where students can work in pairs or solo to write a 2-page paper or create a presentation (PowerPoint or diorama, or comic). Using Google and other search engines students will research answers to the questions proposed to them. Have some guiding ideas and places to search already laid out. During the research phase feel free to provide students with scaffolding in technology use and writing for their presentation or paper possible use RAFT. Allow the student 2–3 days to complete their research and final product, then students will present if that is what they choose. Grade the final product on a rubric and even have the students give their thoughts on presentations.

