“Yes, we’re scared, Donald Trump Jr. We don’t want our boys to become entitled jerks like you.”

Trae Williams
Grand Challenges in Education
2 min readOct 5, 2018

This article is from the Washington Post and is titled “Yes, we’re scared, Donald Trump Jr. We don’t want our boys to become entitled jerks like you.” This article addresses the Grand Challenges of Understanding the American Culture. This is an article written by Petula Dvorak, who is a mother of two boys, regarding the comments from Donald Trump Jr and Donald Trump stating how it is a scary time for boys to grow up in our nation. She talks about how ignorant she believes these comments are and that they are so focused on that their kids could be accused of something and not focused enough on raising good men. This article raises many different questions that students could ask themselves. The first question that comes to mind is, “Is this a time for parents and growing boys to be a little more worried? Are the Trump’s comments true?” I would love to hear my students’ thoughts, boys and girls, and listen to them really dive into this question and discuss it critically with their stances. With so much going on between the president and the new Kavanaugh sexual assault problems arising, I would also love to hear my students’ thoughts on the whole mess of these problems and what they believe with all of it. Sexual assault is a serious matter and I would love to tackle some of the issues surrounding it in my health enhancement classes with my students. I would love to talk with both boys and girls about the seriousness of it and the implications of what comes from it, as well as how to protect themselves.

I would love to do an opinionnaire strategy lead lesson regarding this article because I would love to hear from my students with all of the surrounding noise from this story that comes with it. It would start of with the students writing out their thoughts on the questions given. Then we would separate the class into two sections according to where they stood on the questioned problem. Then we would discuss this problem and why the students believed what they believed. Biggest thing I would want the students to truly hear one another out and think deeply about what their classmates are saying. I believe this is an important discussion to have, especially at the high school level whether it be in a health enhancement class or a government class.

